First day classes.
First day classes.
1. Isidore Zabludovsky (1850-1906). Doctor of Medicine. Professor of faculty Theory massage Berlin University. Some fragments of his work Cosmetic Massage. The ancient techniques of facial massage (more 100 years ago).
2. The boundaries of the anatomical areas of the head and neck.
3. Gymnastics for the fingers and palms. Exercises to perform various movements both hands at once.
4. Features of the supracranium aponeurosis. Receptions scalp massage of the head (brain department head).
5. Receptions massage of forehead''s part of the head.
6. Receptions massage orbital area of eyes (facial department head).
7. Receptions massage area of the nose.
8. Receptions massage area the ear.
9. Receptions massage area of the mouth.
10. Receptions massage lateral areas of a person.
11. Gymnastics for the fingers and palms. Exercises to perform various movements both hands at once.
12. How can we effectively use the computer for the training of the techniques of massage facial.
You''ll see the ancient massage (photo Isidor Zabludovsky - Stroking his forehead).