St. Petersburg Postgraduate School of Nursing
Address teacher
1. Fulfilment of forceful pressure to bear on the area blades.
2. Fulfilment of forceful pressure to bear on the area buttocks.
3. "Massage a friction (French)" with the help of fours fingers of both hands.
4. "Massage a friction (French)" with the help of firsts fingers of both hands.
5. "Knurl at hand"
6. The squeezing on the back.
7. The squeezing on the thigh and drumstick.
8. Abdominal massage.
9. Paravertebral vacuum-massage (cupping).
10. Vacuum-massage (cupping) on the thigh and drumstick.
11. Improvement of manual techniques
12. Features aesthetic massage

Russian massage (classical)

Russian massage (classical) was established Isidore Zabludovsky on the basis of Swedish massage and of the Swedish gymnastics in 1882. The Swedish massage and the gymnastics had been imported into Russia with disciples of Linga (Ling. УAlgemeine Principe der GymnastikФ. 1835). Massage techniques of Linga had modernized with Russian doctors and they created a classic Russian massage. Currently Classical Russian Massage is the foundation course "Medical massage." This course ("Medical massage") are examining in public medical colleges < > for the certification of masseurs.
On this page you can be seen a video-clips about some techniques from Russian massage.

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