The third day of classes
1. Gymnastics for the fingers and palms. Exercises to perform various movements both hands at once.
2. A transitional movements from one reception massage to another.
3. Variants of massage facial:
- massage for facial of modeling;
- massage for relaxation of facial muscles;
- aesthetic massage of face;
- therapeutic massage of face;
- plastic massage of face;
- massage for Jacquet (massage with tingle of skin).
4. Massage feet and hands (while there is mask is on the face, on the bust, etc.).
5. Contraindications to massage.
6. Post-isometric relaxation of certain muscles of the face, for example:
circular muscle mouth (orbicularis oris); muscle of the "proud" (procerus); muscle, which raises the upper lip and nose wing (levator labii superioris alaeque nasi); muscle to shrink eyebrows (corrugator supercilii); muscle of cheek (buccinator); abdomen muscles of his forehead (venter frontalis) and some other muscles.
7. Age and pathological changes in the areas of the face, neck and bust. Potential non-surgical procedures on these areas.
8. Massage after plastic operations (during rehabilitation).
9. The program facial-massage (basic set of techniques).
10. Massage procedure with consideration a specific client (hold a practice).
11. Gymnastics for the fingers and palms. Exercises to perform various movements both hands at once.
At the end of classes: Demonstration of the some receptions by teacher on video (disk to the workshop participants).